Session 2024





We are thrilled to introduce Student Council for the session (2024-2025). 

The investiture ceremony commenced with a solemn oath-taking ceremony, as each council member pledged their commitment to serve our school community with integrity and dedication.  Following this inspiring moment, we proudly introduced our new council members to the entire student body, showcasing their leadership potential and passion for making a difference.In the spirit of unity and blessings for the new session, we began with a heartfelt prayer, seeking guidance and strength for our endeavors ahead.  And what better way to celebrate this occasion than by sharing the sweetness of success together? Halwa Prasad was joyfully distributed among all students, symbolizing the prosperity and auspicious beginnings of our journey ahead. Let's applaud our newly appointed Student Council and embrace the opportunities for growth, collaboration, and positive change they bring to our school community! 




 Celebrating Baishakhi at our school was an absolute delight! Grade three students took charge with a special assembly, diving deep into the significance of the festival, while treating us to a captivating poem and dance performance. The air was buzzing with the joyous vibes of Baishakhi! Moving up to senior levels, we delved into Sikhism and the profound importance of harvested crops, enriching our understanding of this vibrant celebration. From our youngest learners to our seniors, Baishakhi festivities at our school were a blast! Even our adorable kindergarten students dressed up in their festive best, spreading the joy of Baishakhi in their wing. Their infectious enthusiasm added an extra sprinkle of magic to our celebrations! Together, we explored the rich traditions and significance of this harvest festival, making memories that will last a lifetime. Here's to the spirit of unity and celebration that fills our school community! Here's to fostering cultural appreciation and spreading the warmth of Baishakhi wherever we go!



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